Monte is a State of California Peace officer who honorably retired with 27 ½ years of service. He was assigned to SWAT for over 22 ½ years as team member, sniper detachment leader, Team leader and Master trainer of SWAT. He is a subject matter expert for ”SWAT in Corrections” and ”Hostage Rescue in prison environments”. He is a certified Master instructor of SWAT for the state of California and advisor for multiple professional organizations (both private and US government). He earned numerous commendations, awards and accolades from the US, Foreign friendly nations, Police chiefs and Sheriffs (both Peace-time and Combat awards). He served on the advisory board for the ”NTOA” and was the first ”SWAT in Corrections” advisor, American Correctional Association and numerous other professional groups and is a published author. Monte is a former US Marine and US Army SNCO. He served with US Army SOF (both active and reserve) and in total has over 20 years of military service. Monte served multiple overseas tours / deployments of duty with the USMC and the US Army. Monte served in Combat operations with US and foreign Special Forces units who include the French “Commandos Hubert” as well as the Dutch Special Forces. NTOA # 995 SFA # A-3863.